
Sunday, March 31, 2013

April Visiting Teaching Handouts

I almost always make a handout for the ladies I go visiting teaching to, and I decided I should share them with you!  I love the message in the April Ensign about Temple Covenants, and really loved this quote by President Monson.  I really believe the words he said:  "As we remember the covenants we make within [the temple], we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation."  I have seen this in my life over and over, and as I remember to keep the eternal perspective, I am strengthened through trials and know that the Lord is with me.

I made two versions - one for those of you who have a color printer and love to print and be done. :)  Just right click and save to your computer, then print.  There is a light guideline for cutting.

This one is for those who only have a black and white printer (that's me!) or want to put a smidge more work into it and dress it up on a piece of fun scrapbook paper (that would be me too!).  I will cut it out around the shape, and glue it on some springy paper to give to my ladies.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Life is Hard Bookmark { FREEBIE! }

My good friend Lacee has a cousin serving an LDS mission, and he is famous in his areas for his trademark quote:  "Life is hard, but it is harder when you're stupid."  (thank you John Wayne!)

I designed a bookmark for her to send to him, and also made extras so he could share with other missionaries. 

I am offering it as a free printable for you!

It is sized to have two printed on a 5x7 print, then cut them in the middle!  Because I am not a fan of it looking like a photo cut in half, I mounted them on dark brown cardstock (cut just a tiny bit bigger than 2.5x7) and also added a jute tassel. knot. thing.

Enjoy!  I would love to hear if you download it for yourself!

Recent Design Projects

My sister, Laura, is the PTO president at her kid's elementary school, and they are putting on a carnival as a fundraiser.  I designed this poster and flyer for them.  I think it turned out so cute!

I have also been working with my friend Kallie from, she is taking on a HUGE project and doing some women's retreats!  I am lucky enough to get to design for her. :)

This top design with the navy flowers (in three colors, depending on which retreat it is) is what we ultimately decided to go with.  There are three retreats - sign up for one if you are interested!  Info is on the flier. :)
One of the rough draft concepts I did

Another rough draft concept

Tyrel helped coach basketball here this last winter, and I designed a little thank you card that went on the flowers and thank you gifts to the cheer squad and other people who supported the team so much.
Last, this fun little birthday invitation was a custom request from a sweet lady who found me through Etsy.  I have designed a couple of other custom pieces for her, and I was so happy to get to do another!  (FYI - all the details have been changed to protect their privacy!  So don't try texting to RSVP. :) )

I love doing requests, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you want to talk about having me design you something!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Melinda Senior Photos

I had so much fun taking senior photos of my sister in law, Melinda. She is SO gorgeous and extremely photogenic. Some of my favorite ones are the ones where she is laughing, because those ones were when she was talking about her missionary who has recently left on an LDS mission (he was companions with my brother in the MTC!)  

She was such a good sport when I wanted her to lay on the freezing cold ground or do some other crazy things, but we caught the gorgeous last light of the day and didn't end up getting frost bite. :)

I will be doing her graduation announcement soon, as well as taking some more fun pictures of her, hopefully on a much warmer day!