
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Today on The Dating Divas!

Hey guys!  I am being featured over on the Dating Divas blog today!  Check it out and enter the giveaway there!  


Hey there!  I am Kristin Clove, and I am so excited to be here today with The Dating Divas!  I have been designing for myself, friends, and family for a long time, and opened my etsy shop in the end of 2012.  Originally, I just wanted to earn money to go on a cruise with my husband, and since then my little business has grown bigger than I ever dreamed.  My favorite thing about what I do though, is meeting some of the greatest people ever through design projects!

A few facts about me:  I love color!  I CRAVE color all around me and that comes through in my designs.  I need to be in light, open, airy places.  I love citrus fruit.  Freshly squeezed lime is my favorite smell in the entire world.  I am a font-lover (there is a perfect font for every occasion!).   I grew up in Wyoming, have lived in Boston, and spent most of my adult life in Utah.  Mexican food = yum!  I love to read.  Spring is my favorite season.  I hate wearing shoes, but if I must wear them, they had better be cute!  Creating things is my passion.  Laundry is my nemesis.  Chocolate can change my mood in an instant.  I have repinned almost every single fudge recipe there is on Pinterest.  I am obsessed with fresh flowers.  My family is everything to me.  

My husband, Tyrel, and I have been married for 9 years, and we have two beautiful and SPUNKY daughters - Lydia and Elsa (yes, EVERYone asks if she was named after the movie.  nope, she wasn't - she was born 2 years before it came out!).  We live in a tiny town in central/southern Utah and I am a full-time mom and part-time designer and photographer.
I attended Utah State University (Gooo Aggies!), and graduated with a degree in Journalism, Public Relations emphasis, and a minor in Ornamental Horticulture, which basically is a fancy way of saying that I know a LOT about writing press releases, trees, flowers, plants, and weeds.  My FAVORITE classes were my floral design classes, followed closely by a few courses in web design, graphic design, and landscape design.  I probably should have noticed that the common thread in all of these was the DESIGN element and switched to a design track. :)  Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to draw and paint and create.  It makes me happy that I am able to do this for "work" now.

I love designing some of the fabulous printables The Dating Divas offer on their site.  I actually started working with these ladies last summer, so you may have already seen and used quite a few of the printables I have done!
I LOVE doing custom projects - announcements, invitations, family mission statements, handouts.  Send them my way!  I enjoy the challenge of taking YOUR ideas(however specific or loose they may be) and creating something unique and perfect for YOU!
You can find me blogging at:  (I love offering free printables there!)

My etsy shop is:

Pinterest (where you can find links to most of the things I have done and LOTS of fudge recipes!):

I am doing a giveaway right now - one lucky winner will get to choose their prize!