
Friday, January 24, 2014

For Evie

I recently found out about a sweet little 6 year old girl in my hometown who is fighting two kinds of cancer.  My heart broke for their family and I cried as I thought about the challenges they are facing.  Then I gathered my courage together and felt comfort in my testimony that families are forever and that I know God is a God of miracles.  

That night, as I hugged my own two sweet daughters, I knew I wanted to do something to help, even if it just a little bit.

I designed a couple of prints that I am selling in my shop.  All proceeds will go to Evie and her family to help in their battle.

I have them priced at only $5 for all the prints.  Please help this family by buying and also by sharing the listing, so more and more people can find out about it.

Thank you!
More information about Evie can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I hope Evie & her family feel the Saviors Love, it's through people like you that listen to the Holy Ghost, that comfort is given! Bless you for listening to the spirit!


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